
A creative way to solve Syria’s refugee crisis

En Miami Herald / 12 septiembre, 2015

There is a fierce debate in many Latin American countries over whether to accept some of the Syrian refugees who are flooding Europe in one of the world’s worst migration crises since World War II. But there is a creative solution that could allow Latin America to help solve the tragedy.

Before we get to how Latin America could play a helpful role, let’s point out that about 366, 000 Syrians fleeing their country’s civil war have already made their way to Europe so far this year, and by the end of next year their numbers will total more than 850, 000, according to United Nations projections.

European countries are overwhelmed by the avalanche of Syrian refugees. Germany — by far the most generous European country this time — has already volunteered to take in about 500, 000 Syrians. But other nations, such as Hungary, are calling for a wall to keep more Syrian migrants from entering Europe.

Last week, the Obama administration announced that it is planning to accept 10, 000 Syrian refugees. And in Latin America, where several countries have large Syrian communities, the leaders of Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Paraguay, Mexico, Uruguay and Chile have said that they will offer visas to Syrian refugees.

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Andres Oppenheimer
Es el editor para América Latina y Columnista de “The Miami Herald,” conductor del programa “Oppenheimer Presenta” por CNN en Español, y autor de siete Best-Sellers. Su columna “El Informe Oppenheimer” es publicada regularmente en más de 60 periódicos de todo el mundo, incluidos “The Miami Herald” de EEUU, La Nación de Argentina, El Mercurio de Chile, El Comercio de Perú, y Reforma de México.

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10 September, 2015